Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Maputo is an interesting experience,I am not sure why I am constantly surprised at the capital cities of developing countries. I keep thinking they will not be built up as much as they are, so the same goes for Maputo. It is a developed city with ok infrastructure, some of the main roads are paved but the side roads are not or if they are have many many pot holes. The first weekend here we headed to a jazz bar on Friday night and listened to some local music as well as went out to a great local Portuguese restaurant.

Then Saturday we got up and went to a crafts market. As you can see there were tons of wood carvings and just lots of people walking around. I was actually surprised by the amount of people selling items, I didn't normally think of Mozambique as a huge tourist destination but I guess it has gained popularity with British and South Africans lately.

Then sat night we headed off to the Africa bar for a couple of drinks and as it turns out they were having a release party for some local artists. It was pretty funny, Tim and I were the only ones in the bar drinking and it was filled with guys from the age of 15-20, who for the most part were sampling some of their music. It was classic, oh and of course we were the only two white people in the entire bar but that is nothing really new.

Then on sunday we headed to the cos do sol or the beach. We actually didn't get to far along on the beach because we met a local guy who started to talk with us as soon as we arrived. We decided to sit around with him and his friends and chat with them about mozambique and america for a couple of hours before we headed to the seafood market for some fresh seafood. ok thats all for now, more to come....

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